During a recent trip to Tokyo, I scheduled a meeting with the parents of 25 Tokyo high school students interested in Ivy League college admissions in the USA and to discuss what they should know about the Ivy League college application process.
It was a treat to be hosted in a luxurious private Tokyo home and to meet these wonderful women who are very much members of Tokyo’s elite.
I spoke for 30 minutes and then yielded to their questions. One mother admitted they had made a big mistake by taking their daughter to see a great number of colleges and universities when the girl was only in the ninth grade. She was disappointed that the trip accomplished nothing except turning the young student off to further suggestions from her parents. The mother now felt that relying on advice from a professional college admissions consultant appeared to be the most desirable course of action.
The mothers had the usual questions and concerns:
How important is using a private college counselor?
How will my child benefit and what results should we expect?
When should students start SAT tutoring?
How difficult is it to get into Ivy League universities?
How many colleges do most students apply to?
How do we know which colleges are the ones to apply to?
Following the meeting, the mothers were appreciative that I had set aside time for private consultations. Each 90 minute private consultation requires the attendance of the student and both parents so that all their questions and concerns can be answered and a game plan can be established.
Leaving Tokyo with several new families to help apply to USA colleges was very gratifying and I welcome them to my extended Ivy League Placement family of college students from all over the world. I look forward to seeing my Tokyo students again when they arrive in the USA to visit colleges and we begin our college counseling journey by attending prearranged college information sessions and tours.